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Sunday, December 11, 2016

Play Mat

This is a present I've just finished making for my nearly three year old grandson.

I bought this bag of animals from the op shop quite some time ago. I thought it would come in handy for cake decorating or some kind of Christmas crafting....
But now Ju is very interested in animals and this will be a fun (fully supervised) creative play set.

I saw this idea a few years ago and I've used it for inspiration.
I randomly sewed scraps hoping for an agricultural landscape and added some "water". I overlaid it on some thicker material and used some of the stitch functions on the machine to add water detail, plough marks and define some paddocks with "fencing".

We'll be able to talk about the animals 

Sing songs...

Talk about seasons

Act out stories.

Then when we've finished, it all packs back into a simple draw string bag.
Total cost of this project probably no more than $5 for the lot.
You could use this idea for a zoo play mat or a town and car play mat.
Lot's of possibilities.


  1. I adore this creation. Your grandson will love it!

  2. I made a similar farm mat for my daughter as a 3yo! We still have it, although she is now 20. Maybe one day there will be grandchildren using it..

  3. Brilliant. I had the exact same animals when i was little. I loved them, I spent hours playing with them and matchbox cars. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
    cheers Kate

  4. It's lovely Tanya. I hope you're well xxx

  5. Just lovely, what a clever idea and using up fabric stash too, win win.
    Wish I had thought of that when the kids were little, I did make a large Lego mat from an old round table cloth, the Lego could be well spread out to select needed bits and then the drawstring was pulled up and everything was instantly packed away at the end of play...there was looots of Lego.


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