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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bloggers Catch Up For Coffee - Its a Date

I promised this waaaayyy back in January and Mrs Smith has kindly reminded me we are well overdue.
We Bloggers are due for a meet up in person.
I'm setting a date for

 Tuesday the 3rd of July 
at the Launceston Art Gallery 
say 1.00pm-3.00pm.

Obviously we are not going to be able to find the ideal day and time for everyone but I hope this will enable as many people as possible whether they be on their lunch break, before picking up school children or able to flex or swap a shift....
It would be so great to meet people from all over the State but I realise it is a big ask for our Southern and far Western folk. If you can't come please feel free to email me a photo of yourself and a short hello to the group.
If you can come please comment so that I can book a number to help the cafe out.
Not only will we catch up and put faces to names but I would also like to talk about some technical issues people face with blogging, how you comment and deal with comments, how you choose your content,  do you use blogging for networking for professional reasons, blogging manners and the impact blogging has on your life. 
Hmmm sounds like a bunch of girls chatting and talking about their feelings....I hope I haven't put any of the men bloggers off!
I really hope to meet lots of new faces.

PS please also spread the word on your blog too so we can reach as many people as possible.
Love T


  1. This is such a wonderful idea. A few of my friends now are local bloggers who I met through blogging.
    Have fun :)

  2. Hi Tanya,

    I would love to come - all being well - but pardon my ignorance I am unsure where the Launceston Art Gallery is?? Is it the museum in Wellington St?
    Thanks Cathy

  3. @Tammi, wish you lived closer.
    @Cathy, I knew this would throw some people with the changing venues the museum and art gallery have been having over the past decade. The QV Art Gallery is the really old building that has just been renovated on Wellington St. Here is the best link I could find. The pic is not very big AND it still has the word "museum" over the door just to be confusing!!!
    Do NOT go to the Inveresk site, go to the town site.

  4. Sounds fantastic! I shall see if I can book the babysitter (mother-in-law) and confirm as soon as I can.

  5. Hi Tanya
    A lovely idea. I had diarised the date but was heading to Inveresk!! I still call the old building QV
    Love the upgrade, just wish parking was easier.
    See you there, I hope.

  6. Boo hoo Tanya, I won't be able to make it!! I would so much like to meet some fellow bloggers but not this time!
    I shall console myself with the fact that while you are all having coffee and cake, I'll be on the plane jetting to foreign climes!
    I dare say that I'll survive the deprivation of your company (only just!) but pretty please can we have another one later in the year?!?!?
    Wishing your all a cosy afternoon of chat!

  7. Yay! Will wangle a longer lunch so I can be there. How gorgeous!

  8. Hoping to be see you there :))


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