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Monday, January 14, 2013

Don't Forget To Harvest Herbs

The days have been quite hot and dry with little dew about. Now is the time to be harvesting many of your herbs for seed, leaf and flower. Everyone gets quite caught up in the vegetable garden at this time of year with everything putting on lots of growth and needing extra mulching and watering and it is quite easy to keep putting the herb harvest on the bottom of the I have been doing with the lavender.

Pick your herbs when the sun has been up for a while and everything is dried off a little. They can be hung in bunches or spread on fly wire frames. Herbs like mint and parsley can be placed in your dehydrator.
Store dried herbs in sealed glass jars in a dark cupboard to preserve the maximum potency ready for use over winter.

Our Living Better Group this month will be looking at ways of using dried herbs in the home. We will be meeting at the Cock and Bull from 7-9.
I will also be demonstrating at the Killiecrankie Farm Nursery open day on the 3rd of February.
In the meantime get yourselves out there and pick some heavenly sweet Roman chamomile. 


  1. Just got back from trip and garden has gone wild. No doubt over the next few days I'll be picking, trimming, weeding and seeing what survived, I hope my camomile did.

  2. I have just put a few herbs into the chook pen. Some mint, lavendar and parsley. Thought it would brighten the ladies day up!


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