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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Lavender Sachets

Home made from our house this year are simple lavender bags for drawer sachets.
Simple in style but a twelve month process to get to this point.

The lavender is home grown and harvested on a warm sunny morning after the dew and hung upside down in paper bags to dry for the season. After quite a few months the heads then have to be rolled and stripped by hand. I haven't found an easier way, perhaps you have one? It takes a lot of lavender to produce 10g of heady seedy stuffing.

Cotton fabrics are washed, dried and ironed and then we used a seed packet as a template.
I say "we" as the shearer did all the sewing while I cut, turned, pressed, stuffed and tied.

The simple bags were stuffed with about 12g of lavender, leaving a few centimetres of head room. The top was machine sewn with a matching thread and cinched with a complimentary bow purely for sweetness. Not only do these scent drawers and cupboards but they also deter insects and a gentle squeeze every now and then will release more of the volatile oils and last for years.  


  1. They look lovely Tanya. I make them also, no haven't found a quicker or easier way to prepare the lavender! But I find it very therapeutic and a nice job to do! You have reminded me that these make a nice fragrant wee gift too. Best wishes and seasons greetings, Bridget

  2. Are you giving them as gifts? They look lovely and I love the team work in making them! :)
    Cheers - Joolz xx

  3. Oh they are lovely! How did you get your hubby to sew them? Mine would have run a mile, its nice to have a helper :) I didn't know you were supposed to strip the head, I just pick them and stuff them in paper bags which I hang in the wardrobe etc, but this is much nicer.

  4. I know, pretty lucky huh! He likes a sewing session once a year and it is really companionable. After Christmas we'll have to have another session making more of his work singlets. It's a great indoor activity when summer heat is too fierce to be gardening.

  5. beautiful fabrics!
    that's what i'm hoping to do with my lavender but by what you say i will have to start harvesting again as i have only collect one & half large jars so far.
    will have to look up the 'roll & strip' as have no idea there
    your bags are very pretty too
    thanx for sharing


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