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Thursday, December 10, 2015

A Woodland Tree for Christmas 2015

This year we have chosen a real tree from Killiecrankie Farm and it's taken on a woodland bird sort of theme.

Colours include forest green, satin sage green, light brass and bright copper.

A couple of white cotton wrapped ornaments with feathers in sparrow browns.

A shining star and coppery flowers and berries.
A hand painted egg sent by our travellers in Europe last year.

Little birds peeking from within.
Even a small nest with eggs.

Very simple, like a wild wood tree, no garland, no streamers, no ribbon.


  1. I down-sized this year with a smaller spindly tree because we arent home for Christmas day. You have inspired me to have a live tree next year. Plenty of Radiata pine trees near us.
    Your tree is beautiful, Tanya! Merry Christmas to you and yours xx


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