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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Meet Rita Summers

I apologise in advance that my photography has not fully captured the pure emotive energy of these art pieces.
I also apologise that I failed to capture any of the quilts by the artist.
I was on a bus tour yesterday with MIL's PROBUS group and was on a tight schedule (given that most of our time schedule is taken up with getting on the bus and getting off the bus!)

St Marys township
I had the great fortune of entering the "gone rustic" gallery and finding artist Rita Summers in attendance.
Her work resonated within me straight away

Particularly her mixed media pieces.

"Rita Summers is an astonishing artist, situated in rural Tasmania, where she produces the most wonderful artworks....Rita's work is with fibre and textiles and often includes recycled materials....She likes to experiment with packaging, tea bags, found objects, and fibre and fabric off cuts."
direct quote from Down under Textiles Magazine Issue 3.

The pieces look completely random in shape and form but have beautiful balance and harmony.
(Note the repeated use of 3s, a harmony I have discussed in previous posts)

The textiles are uniquely dyed using plants and rusting techniques.
Fabric is stitched, torn and layered.

Buttons, words, crystals, fragments and discards are all employed so emotively yet for the interpretation of the viewer.

Rita is a very warm, generous person happy to engage with people and share knowledge of her techniques and encourages experimentation and exploration. She has a demeanor both humble yet confident and it makes her very easy to talk to.

These worked felt pieces are about 12cm x 12cm and are intricately dimensional with beads, embroidery and decals.

Gorgeous aren't they? I forgot to ask who these felted pieces were made by.

I purchased a copy of the Down Under Magazine in which Rita is featured and I'm very much enjoying reading about clever textile artists and designers in Australia.
Rita's article also has a whole page dedicated to an explanation of her dyeing techniques.
The front cover features her work "Cinderella's Wardrobe I & II"
The magazine is not sold in newsagents and only available for purchase for AU$9.95 through specialty stores. If you follow the link for the gallery you are also able to buy a copy via their site. 
Hopefully I will visit again very soon and will take some photos of her amazing quilts too for all the quilters out there. If you are a local I do urge you to visit "gone rustic" and meet Rita. The beautiful village of St Marys obviously agrees very well with her and is spawning some very exciting work.

The gone rustic Gallery and Studio is situated at 37 Main Street St Marys Tasmania
03 63722724 or 0417027424


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