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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Unexpected Gifts

We had some unexpected gifts arrive last night. A green car pulled up across our drive and a man whom I didn't recognise came up the drive and we thought he was probably lost.
When Craig answered the door he was asked if he was the man who delivered the notices for neighbourhood watch?
"Thank you so much, here is a token of our appreciation, a cap and a little box of chocolates!"
What a lovely surprise!

Craig and I often do random acts of volunteer work. We gain extra skills, have points of interest in our life and it makes us feel part of a community. We fly under the radar most of the time, quietly achieving in the background as the foot soldiers which suits us down to the ground because we are not needed to attend meetings. Every organisation needs it's soldiers but if you are a working person/couple and you decide you really don't have much time then I would urge you to consider that you can still give of some time, even if it is only 30mins once a month.
It is lovely to be appreciated though.

An hour later there was another knock at the door.
It was another man I didn't recognise...
"Is this where the man lives who cuts the grass?"
I almost turned him away but I said "do you mean tractor slashing?"
I then realised he must have wanted Craig. As Craig went to the door the man returned from his car with a HAM!
"This is for you", he said "with my gratitude. Do you remember you helped me out when I was desperate and the council had served me a notice at (a seaside block) to have it cleared and fire safe last January? Well I know I paid you the fee but I also wanted you to have this ham for Christmas and know how grateful I was."

I am a little gob-smacked and I shouldn't be. Sometimes we are too cynical and ready to believe that people are too busy and self absorbed and don't care about each other any more.
I have had a huge restoration in the good in people and their sense of fellow man and community.
Sometimes we pay too much lip service when we would be far better to put things into action.
If I sound a little sanctimonious and sentimental...well I'm allowed to as it's Christmas and I have been blessed with it's spirit.
And now as my family gathers closer together, I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas time.


  1. Lovely; it's the true meaning of Christmas isn't it? Like you I prefer to be a 'foot soldier' and I reckon I get more from the acts than the people or groups I've helped! Merry Christmas !

  2. your photos on this post but absolutely adore your camel!

  3. Wow, how lovely to receive those gifts. Good on you! and Merry Xmas

  4. You are indeed most deserving Tanya & Craig !
    having been so lucky to fly into your radar this year, your support, friendship and generosity is so valued and appreciated :)

    I think that the meaning of community is being rediscovered by a lot of people, the hype and speed of life has lost its shine and a sense of returning to our roots (like home vege patches & bartering) has occured.

    Merry Christmas Everyone !

  5. Those people really appreciate what you have done for them and are so grateful. That is the true meaning of community but there is not a lot of it around these days but maybe it is having a comeback. Enjoy your gifts and Merry Christmas

  6. Hey Tanya, how lovely to receive such unexpected gifts.
    It's nice to have your efforts appreciated.
    Love your vespa, how exciting is that. Can just imagine it with a makeover .
    Have enjoyed reading your blog, have a great Christmas and all the best for a happy, healthy and creative 2011.

    Claire X


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