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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Knit With Me 21

Tassel Stitch

This really does look as the name suggests doesn't it. At first glance I thought it would be a cable needle required stitch but it is a little more unusual than that. I haven't tried this before but as I am going to a Ravelry Group Knit tonight (L'ton SnB) I thought I would have plenty of experienced knitters on hand if I get confused. It is knit over multiples of 6+1.

Tassel Stitch
Row 1: *K4, P2* K1
Row 2 and 4: P1,*K2, P4*
Row 3: As for Row 1
Row 5: *Put right-handed needle between the 4th and 5th sts and draw through the loop, K1, P2, K3*, K1.
Row 6: P1, *P3, K2, P2tog*
Row 7 and 9: K1 *P2, K2*
Row 8 and 10: *P4 K2*, P1
Row 11: K3, *as for row 5 from * ending the last rep K1, P2, K1.
Row 12: P1, K2, P4, *K2, P2tog, P3*


  1. It's a fantastic looking stitch:)

  2. Ooo, I think this would make an awesome scarf topped w/tassels on the end.


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