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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Designing Tea Towels

I tried a new design on my tea towels last night and listed one to test the waters but it has sold within hours so have got to work and drawn up some more.

I freehand draw a design in pencil and then go over this with a simple running stem stitch in black embroidery thread, add some trim and very simply a plain tea towel becomes an accessory for the kitchen. It takes time of course but I usually do it in front of TV at night with a good light behind me. I believe it's important to do these things while I can and enjoy them because it's no use saying "when I retire..." or "later when I'm..." because who knows what my eyes will be like or if my hands will be able to hold a needle. So don't put off now those crafts you could be enjoying. Do it today. I have also made a dish cloth to co-ordinate with the tea towels and will talk about that tomorrow and share the crotchet pattern.


  1. Lovely teatowel no wonder it sold so quickly

  2. A lovely idea. My first thought was. Where can I buy one.


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