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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Snow in the Garden

So I sat here yesterday morning, feeling a change in the air, the garden is coming alive and the bulbs are starting to nod with full buds about to bloom and I thought....
"I feel like finding a poem about spring and doing a post with awakening life".....

I looked out the window and this happened...

And I know there are plenty of places living with snow in winter but in my backyard it's a pretty rare thing. Our town is only 209m above sea level!

So instead of daffodils and blossoms...

You're getting this....

And the poetry is on hold temporarily.

You're Welcome

(Food in cold storage)

(Be sure to make the video full screen)
Hard to believe that much of the country mid to north mainland is in a severe drought.
Hoping for relief to those people soon.